Homes for Homes
Every home helps—from humble apartments to magnificent mansions and everything in between.

A promise to help end homelessness

Every night 122,000 people in Australia sleep homeless. While another 1.5 million live in serious housing stress. We have a housing crisis. We can’t let this go on. And at Homes for Homes, we won’t.

Homes for Homes is a simple promise that when a home sells, whenever that is, 0.1% of the sale price will be donated—helping build homes for those in need.

The issue is too big for any one person, business or government to solve alone. But together, we have a simple community empowered solution to a seemingly insurmountable problem.

It’s a promise we all need to make, a promise to help end homelessness. And with Homes for Homes, we can.

Why it’s so important

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Hear the latest from Homes for Homes

Cameron, VIC
FP&A Manager PEXA, VIC

“I’ve always been concerned about homelessness, what you see and what you can’t.
When I found out about Homes for Homes, I was really excited by this innovative solution, which can scale to meet the size of the problem.
The process is simple. It only took a few minutes to register my property and complete a donation deed. My family are now happy that we’ve made a promise to help end homelessness.”

Sally and Adam, VIC

“Homes for Homes is such a simple and effective way for us to help solve homelessness. Registering our home was so easy, and knowing our future donation will go towards housing that is going to transform lives is a great feeling. It’s a wonderful way for us all to do our bit!”

Darnell, WA

“Every night I come home to this house and sleep with a roof over my head. Others aren’t so lucky. Homes for Homes is a positive way for me to contribute to the building of more social and affordable housing. Now I’ve registered, each time this property sells, a donation will be made.”

Maria, NSW
First person to register their home in NSW

“Home is a stable, comforting place where you can be yourself free from serious threats of any sort. I am particularly concerned about children and women who are left with nowhere to go after family breakdowns, so when I saw the Homes for Homes ad I thought at least I can contribute in a more systematic way. Registering was very straightforward and unpretentious, a pretty painless way of contributing. Being able to contribute is a privilege and a celebration.”
