Frequently asked questions

Below are the most often asked questions and our answers that you might find helpful. However, if you have a query that isn’t covered or you want to know more, please feel free to contact Homes for Homes.

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General information

What is Homes for Homes?

Homes for Homes is a social enterprise that raises funds through people making a tax deductible 0.1% donation from the sale or rent of their property. These funds are combined with others who have donated, then used to build social and affordable housing. In this way, everyone who owns or rents property can help end homelessness.

How did Homes for Homes come about?

A similar fund-raising model in the US was seen by Sarah Davies (now CEO, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation). The corporate social responsibility initiative was operated by one of America’s largest private developers, in an effort to raise funds for its Lennar Charitable Housing Foundation. Sarah shared this model with a few colleagues including Steven Persson, CEO, The Big Issue. Because of the latter’s social enterprise track record, the group invited The Big Issue to take on the operation of Homes for Homes. After The Big Issue completed due diligence, it established the formal Homes for Homes legal entity and has since tailored the model to meet the needs of the Australian market.

Is Homes for Homes national?

Homes for Homes is operational in every state and territory across Australia.

I want to register my home, where do I find title details?

Your title details will be on your contract of sale or simply refer to the last council rates notice. If you don’t have these handy, you can always register with Homes for Homes first and we will complete any missing details on your behalf. Register your home here.



What will Homes for Homes funds be used for?

At Homes for Homes, we are not builders. We raise funds to increase the supply of social and affordable housing. The funds we raise will be granted to experienced housing providers through a grant round process. Our expert, industry-based advisory groups will advise what is the greatest housing need and will assess funding applications. Donations made to Homes for Homes are reinvested back into the state where they were raised in the first place.

Can’t the government fund community housing?

The problem is too big for government to solve alone. As part of our feasibility study, Homes for Homes learned that many social and affordable housing providers are missing up to 15% of the total cost of a project. This gap, even though a small fraction, can be the difference between a project going ahead or not starting at all. From the projects that Homes for Homes has granted funds to, our contribution has ranged from 0.6% – 30% of the overall cost.

How much funding has Homes for Homes granted so far?

Homes for Homes has granted over $2m in funding to 22 projects across VIC, NT, Qld, NSW, WA, SA and the ACT. These projects will provide housing for over 300 people.

Who benefits from Homes for Homes?

Funds raised will be used to assist those who do not have access to safe and secure homes. Or they may be having problems finding somewhere to live within their budget on the property market. It is everything from emergency housing for women and their children, specialised youth housing centres and housing for low income earners. At the same time, property owners who register with Homes for Homes can feel proud to be part of an initiative where we are doing all we can to help end the housing crisis.


Will the caveat or the administrative advice if a Queensland registered property, impact on my mortgage application?

Upon receiving your signed Donation Deed, Homes for Homes will place a caveat or an administrative advice if your property is located in Queensland, on the property title. But this will not affect any mortgage or other interest in this property.

My bank has questions about Homes for Homes. Who should they speak to?

Homes for Homes has support of the banks – both major and minor. We have operational contacts in almost every bank to deal with any concerns or queries. Homes for Homes will not hold up settlement and operationally, Homes for Homes flows through the loan process seamlessly. If you financier or conveyancer has questions, feel free to contact the Homes for Homes team.

Can I get a Consent to Mortgage letter from Homes for Homes?

Homes for Homes will not block any financial or other dealings on the title and subsequent registrations, such as mortgages and subdivisions, can continue as always. If evidence of this consent is required, please contact the Homes for Homes team.



What is the Homes for Homes Donation Deed?

The Donation Deed is a promise to donate 0.1% of the property’s sale price. It’s a simple legal document, which in practical terms sets out the property’s owner’s consent for Homes for Homes to lodge a caveat or administrative advice if your property is in Queensland on the title.

What is a caveat?

A caveat is a notice that is placed on a Certificate of Title at the Land Titles Office to show that someone has an interest in the property. Homes for Homes uses a caveat for good which simply acts as a gentle reminder to donate whenever the property is next sold. The caveat will not affect any other registrations/dealings you want to list on your title.

What is an Administrative Advice?

An administrative advice is a noting recorded on the title to provide further information about the property. Homes for Homes uses an administrative advice to record the existence of the Homes for Homes Donation Deed and to act as a reminder to donate whenever the property is next sold. The administrative advice does not prevent the registration of any other dealings you want to list on your title.

Is there a cost to place a caveat or administrative advice if my property is in Queensland on my title?

There is no cost to join or withdraw from Homes for Homes. Once you have signed the Donation Deed, Homes for Homes will arrange the caveat or administrative advice if your property is in Queensland. It really couldn’t be easier.

Can I withdraw my participation from Homes for Homes?

Yes. If you are the registered owner of the property you can withdraw at any time by contacting the Homes for Homes team.



Are donations to Homes for Homes tax deductible?

As a not-for-profit organisation, Homes for Homes Limited (ACN 143 151 544) is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) under Subdivision 30-BA of the home Tax Assessment Act 1997. This means that donations to Homes for Homes are tax deductible and can be claimed when you lodge your return.

How do I make my donation?

Donations are made via the settlement disbursements process, so your conveyancer will look after it. Once your donation is received, Homes for Homes will email you a tax-deductible receipt. If you wish to make a one-off donation, please contact the Homes for Homes team.

Is your enquiry not covered?

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