Funded projects
Homes for Homes has granted over $2m in funding to 22 projects across VIC, NT, Qld, NSW, WA, SA and the ACT. These projects will provide housing for over 300 people.

Common Equity Housing
$100,000 granted to create five two-bedroom units with communal gardens and common areas for low-income elderly singles and couples to age in place (Grant round 7, 2024).
Marymead CatholicCare Canberra and Goulburn
$200,000 granted to create Pete’s Place, a multi-functional transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness, children from foster care breakdowns, children transitioning out of foster care and disability respite (Grant round 7, 2024).

Kids Under Cover
$100,000 granted to provide living space and bedrooms for young people at risk of homelessness (Grant round 6, 2023).
Property Industry Foundation
$100,000 granted to create units for young single women and their children (Grant round 6, 2023).

Project Independence
$50,000 granted to develop private units for residents with intellectual disability (Grant round 6, 2023).
Coffs Harbour Support Services
$40,000 granted to repair an underutilised property for people with a disability after extensive hail damage (Grant round 5, 2022).
Venture Housing Company
$70,000 granted to purchase and convert an existing privately rented three-bedroom property into affordable housing for low-income earners who are in housing stress in the private rental market (Grant round 4, 2022).
Housing Trust
$40,000 granted support the build of units for older women and women with children (Grant round 5, 2022).

Youth Futures
$40,000 granted for the build of a 6-bedroom property, to be used as short-term crisis accommodation for young people (Grant round 5, 2022).
YWCA Canberra
$100,000 granted to the establishment of social housing in Canberra (Grant round 3, 2021).

Aboriginal Housing Victoria
$70,000 granted to contribute to the redevelopment of an underutilised dwelling into two long-term social and affordable housing units for Aboriginal tenancies in Shepparton (Grant round 2, 2020).
City Ventures
$50,300 granted to upgrade existing accommodation to enable young people to build their independent living skills as they re-engage in the community (Grant round 4, 2022).

Coast2Bay Housing Group
$18,179 granted to increase the standard of living for 10 women over 55 who will benefit from more affordable rental costs (Grant round 4, 2022).
Community Housing Canberra (CHC)
$100,000 granted for the provision of 2 x 2 bedroom properties that will be tenanted by women who are transitioning from incarceration back into the community. Women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds as well as those with children will have priority placement in these residences. (Grant round 3, 2021)
$300,000 granted for the development of a group home to enable people with mental illness to transition from living with ageing parents, to a more independent model with 24/7 support (Grant round 2, 2020).

Housing First
$120,000 granted to contribute to the redevelopment of apartments which will provide low-cost accommodation to people experiencing homelessness, as well as support programs to at-risk groups including homeless women with babies (Grant round 1, 2018).
Havelock Housing Association
$150,000 granted to transform a former community centre into housing for a group of women experiencing marginalisation (Grant round 6, 2023).
$200,000 granted to purchase a unit (pictured) which will offer long-term affordable tenancies to matched pairs of older women (Grant round 1, 2018).

Women’s Property Initiatives
$120,000 granted to support a four-unit development for women over 55 who are living in the private rental market and don’t have enough money to buy their own home (Grant round 1, 2018).
Women’s Housing
$70,000 granted to contribute to the purchase of a unit that will provide affordable rental accommodation to women 55+ who have experienced domestic violence (Grant round 2, 2020).

Habitat for Humanity Victoria
$20,000 granted to support a purpose built home in Habitat for Humanity’s Yea development (Grant round 2, 2020).
$40,000 was granted to support a six-star energy rated, three-bedroom house for a family (pictured) living in housing stress (Grant round 1, 2019).