Homes for Homes expands into Queensland

Queenslanders now have the opportunity to register their property with Homes for Homes and help create social and affordable housing in their state, thanks to recent legislation passed by the Queensland Government.
In other states and territories, your registration to Homes for Homes and promise to donate is noted by a voluntary caveat on your property’s land title, which remains on the property as it is bought and sold.
Recent amendments to the Housing Act 2003 will allow the existence of a donation deed to Homes for Homes to be recorded on a Queensland property’s land title via an Administration Advice, in lieu of a caveat used in other states as caveats lapse every 90 days in Queensland. As always registrations are voluntary and donations are tax-deductible.
Read more: The process
At Homes for Homes we are incredibly thrilled to be introduced into Queensland through this bill. This means that Queenslanders can now register their property with Homes for Homes, and when it is sold 0.1% of the sale price will be donated and granted to social and affordable housing providers in Queensland. Donations are tax-deductible and participation can be withdrawn at any time.
Funds raised through Homes for Homes will create more social and affordable housing for Queenslanders on the margins. We have already funded housing projects in Queensland and look forward to expanding and creating more positive change.
We thank the Palaszczuk Government for its support and leadership on this critical issue.