Canberra Raiders donate more than $24,000

NRL team Canberra Raiders have raised more than $24,900 for Homes for Homes this season, which will go directly towards creating social and affordable housing in the ACT.
Canberra Raiders contribute donations to Homes for Homes through a ‘Points for Cash’ Initiative, that pledges to donate $100 to Homes for Homes for every point scored by the Canberra Raiders at a home game. In total Canberra Raiders have contributed more than $150,000 over the last few seasons!
With thanks to support from Canberra Raiders, Homes for Homes has granted $700,000 in funding to four housing projects in the ACT. These projects, seen below, will provide social and affordable housing for more than 24 people.
Homes for Homes has granted $100,000 to establish 10 supported housing dwellings for older women and women with children who are experiencing family violence. 15 women will be housed via this project.
Two projects from CHC have been supported by Homes for Homes funding. $100,000 has been granted for properties that will be tenanted by women transitioning from incarceration back into the community. CHC also received $300,000 for a group home to enable adults with mental illness to transition from living with ageing parents to a more independent model with appropriate 24/7 support. This project is nearing completion and will soon be tenanted with suitable residents.
Havelock Housing
In August 2019 Homes for Homes handed over a project funded with its support. $200,000 was granted to Havelock Housing for the purchase of a unit that will provide long-term affordable housing to matched pairs of older women. A current tenant shares her experience of living in the property and the community she has found through her new housing.
“I moved in two years ago, towards the end of August 2019. We’re very fortunate that it’s a three-bedroom townhouse. There’s two of us in the unit, and then a spare bedroom if we have visitors coming. So if my children visit me, they can stay in the spare bedroom.
“It was difficult (when moving) because my daughter and I were living in a very expensive rental property. We were paying more than $600 a week in rent and then she changed jobs and moved to Sydney, so I was caught and didn’t know where to go. So I went to wherever I can get help, and I was so lucky that they had this house. I grabbed the opportunity to get this place.
“My line dance teacher was asking me to join her choir, but when I lived in my other place it was too far for me to drive. Since I’ve moved here it’s now a short drive, so I was able to join the choir. I have long wanted to be part of the choir because I like to sing and dance, and because of choir I now have lots of friends in this area. My youngest daughter and her boyfriend are also planning to be close in the area. I didn’t think all these things would happen, my daughter and my friends being nearby. I’m lucky.
“Havelock told me I can stay as long as I like, so it gives me security. I have to adjust with everything going on and changing, but I think I’m strong enough to handle anything. I consider this a blessing, I am really blessed to be in this situation.”
Homes for Homes thanks Canberra Raiders for their support, generosity and commitment to ending homelessness.