
A message from the CEO – April 2020

A message from the CEO – April 2020

Dear friends of Homes for Homes,

Now more than ever we’re being reminded of the comfort and security we receive from having a stable place to call home. However, we know there are many who are not as fortunate, which is why it is so important that we come together to help tackle our significant social and affordable housing shortage.

I’m so pleased to see developers, banks and indeed, individuals come together for the greater good of increasing the supply of housing. The beauty of Homes for Homes is that it is complementary to existing initiatives that companies may already have in place. Homes for Homes is for all Australians and our funds will be used to help those with the greatest need, at the right time.

The full effects of the COVID-19 pandemic won’t be known for some time, but one thing is certain: the economic impact of this crisis will lead to increased rates of homelessness creating an even greater strain on our social and affordable housing sector.

We recognise that the changing landscape of COVID-19 may well slow our progress but it certainly will not slow our ambitions. Now, more than ever, a long term solution to homelessness is needed in Australia.

The Homes for Homes team are following the advice from government and health authorities, with all staff working remotely from home. We can be contacted on the same details as per usual. And, despite the uncertainty in all parts of our communities at present, rest assured that we remain as committed as always to tackling the country’s chronic social and affordable housing issues for the long term benefit of all Australians.

Community has always been core to the Homes for Homes model, and in these tough times, looking out for one another has never been more important. Over the coming weeks and months, please look after yourself and your family.

Thank you for your continued support.

Steven Persson
CEO, Homes for Homes and The Big Issue


Featured image:

“Our tenants are so thankful to have a home – now more than ever. The stability of a long-term affordable tenancy cannot be overstated.”
– Andrew Rowe CEO, Havelock Housing Association.

Homes for Homes contributed funding toward a three bedroom home in Canberra which is tenanted by older women who come from backgrounds of domestic violence. Photo by Martin Ollman.
